CAD .NET 11.2 released
Export to G-code and improved visualization
Apart from other improvements CAD .NET 11.2 has a new class allowing converting DWG and DXF drawings to G-code. This means that now you can generate G-code for its further processing in CNC machines without any problems.

List of improvements and bug fixes included into CAD .NET 11.2:
- Export to G-code added
- SHX big fonts support improved
- Snap to center point option added
- CADEDitorControl, CADViewerControl improved
- Bugs fixed for:
- DWG, DXF, HPGL/2 import
- PDF export
- visualization, printing
- visual editing
- external references
You can test a new version of CAD .NET by filling in the form at our website:
Download CAD .NET
(free 45-day trial)
If you have any questions on the library or its licensing, please write to us at We will be glad to answer all your questions!
Best wishes,
CADSoftTools Team
SoftGold Ltd.