CAD DLL 14.1 released
Our team is pleased to announce CAD DLL 14.1. Although it is a minor release of the CAD library, we have decided to extend significantly its list of supported formats. And now CAD DLL supports not only 2D, but also 3D file formats, including STEP and IGES. Along with that, this version brings stability and performance improvements.
What’s new in CAD DLL 14.1?
- Support of 3D formats (*.step, *.iges, *.stl, *.x_t, *.x_b, *.sldprt, *.brep, *.sat, *.obj, *.3ds).
- Improved display of DWG and DXF files.
- Improved G-code generation from DWG and DXF files.
- High-quality automatic regeneration of objects.
- Bugs fixes.

Download a free demo package to test the updated features of CAD DLL.
This new version is free for all CAD DLL 14 license holders. If you have an older version, you can buy the upgrade at a special price. Please contact us at for further details.
Best wishes,
CADSoftTools Team
Soft Gold Ltd